Corita Kent, Artist
, 1971
c. handwritten in ink: "Dear harry can you do this one - same square size you did the last batch of 13 prints. / sun + [sic] woods (including whitman leaves ect) YELLOW D 25 x 6 / shape across top - so there will be words + sun dropped out of orange to yellow / ORANGE D 25 E1 / Same blue as is / these magic numbers are from your Sherwin Williams Speed Print Inter[illegible]/ GREEN (Solid) 1 part D 25 G3 8 parts D25 Y 6 / Will you do 210 / Send 200 to me at 5126 Vineland, North Hollywood Calif [sic] 91601 / And 10 to me at 185 Marlborough St. Boston Mass 02116 / On second thought- / Will you drop me a note when they are ready to ship + I'll let you know where I'll be then- much love- Corita / Can you please drop me a note and say about when they will be done?"