Public Fiction
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Founded 2010 by Lauren Mackler
Public Fiction occupies an unmarked storefront in the Highland Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. Neither a commercial gallery nor a not-for-profit organization, it is a space for artistic experimentation in the form of exhibitions, performances, artist talks, screenings, and a quarterly publication. A nexus for local artists, critics, curators, and academics, Public Fiction provides a much-needed counterpoint to the commercial ventures that dominate the L.A. art scene.
Artist, curator, and graphic designer Lauren Mackler established Public Fiction in 2010, shortly after she relocated to L.A. from the East Coast. The project began as an exploration of the ways design and editorial principles might influence how we make exhibitions. In curating Public Fiction, Mackler is equally influenced by writing, reading, researching, thinking, collaborating, and making. Over the course of a three-month period, exhibitions and events develop in relation to a set theme or topic. To date, Public Fiction has played host to six themes, each of which has evolved out of the previous program and in direct relation to artistic practice and the specific qualities of life in Los Angeles. For Made in L.A., Mackler continues this methodological approach, presenting a set of rotating exhibitions at the Hammer Museum during the biennial’s three-month run.
Over the course of three months, the exhibitions and texts will change six times, each episode in the room, each chapter in a pamphlet, and each set on the stage will be on view for two weeks. You can follow the installation of each iteration as they accumulate, below and at this link: madeinla.publicfiction.org.

Ep. 1, Ch. 1, Set 1
On view June 15–June 29
A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum:
Ep. 1, Eric Wesley, Abstracted Plane in the Expanded Field, 2014
Ch. 1, Matthew Brannon, The Room
Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction:
Set 1, Amanda Ross-Ho, Untitled Sketch (Blue Marble)
This is the first installment of two concurrent and changing exhibitions: A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum as a part of Made in L.A. 2014 and Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction.

Ep. 2, Ch. 2, Set 2
On view July 1–July 13
A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum:
Ep. 2, Fiona Connor, Signs that change buildings, 2013-14
Ch. 2, Becket Flannery, Festival
Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction:
Set 2, Neal Bashor, Untitled (Two Up Eight Down)
This is the second installment of two concurrent and changing exhibitions: A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum as a part of Made in L.A. 2014 and Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction.

Ep. 3, Ch. 3, Set 3
On view July 15–July 27
A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum:
Ep. 3, Margaret Lee, This Zebra Is From Düsseldorf, 2014
Ch. 3, Sarah Heyward, He Had To Work Late
Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction:
Set 3, Darren Bader, milk and honey
This is the third installment of two concurrent and changing exhibitions: A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum as a part of Made in L.A. 2014 and Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction.

Ep. 4, Ch. 4, Set 4
On view July 29–August 10
A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum:
Ep. 4, Leslie Hewitt, Untitled (SCREENSAVER), 2014
Ch. 4, Claudia Rankine, Making Room
Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction:
Set 4, D’Ette Nogle, A Shaggy Public Fiction
This is the fourth installment of two concurrent and changing exhibitions: A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum as a part of Made in L.A. 2014 and Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction.
In The Room: Eric Wesley, Fiona Connor, Margaret Lee, Leslie Hewitt, Shana Moulton, Mateo Tannatt
In the pamphlets: Matthew Brannon, Becket Flannery, Sarah Heyward, Claudia Rankine, Chris Kraus, Benjamin Weissman
On stage: Amanda Ross-Ho, Neal Bashor, Darren Bader, D’Ette Nogle, Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Claude Wampler
Curated by Lauren Mackler and Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer

Ep. 5, Ch. 5, Set 5
On view August 12–August 24
A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum:
Ep. 5, Shana Moulton
Ch. 5, Chris Kraus
Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction:
Set 5, Sara Greenberger Rafferty
This is the fifth installment of two concurrent and changing exhibitions: A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum as a part of Made in L.A. 2014 and Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction.
Ep. 6, Ch. 6, Set 6
On view August 26–September 14
A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum:
Ep. 6, Mateo Tannatt, Repeat After Me, 2014
Ch. 6, Benjamin Weissman, Rodd Buddha, 2014
Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction:
Set 6, Claude Wampler, Tower of Silence (my hamster Freddie Mercury's premature Sky Burial), 2014
This is the sixth installment of two concurrent and changing exhibitions: A Public Fiction at the Hammer Museum as a part of Made in L.A. 2014 and Tragedy Plus Time at Public Fiction.
In The Room: Eric Wesley, Fiona Connor, Margaret Lee, Leslie Hewitt, Shana Moulton, Mateo Tannatt
In the pamphlets: Matthew Brannon, Becket Flannery, Sarah Heyward, Claudia Rankine, Chris Kraus, Benjamin Weissman
On stage: Amanda Ross-Ho, Neal Bashor, Darren Bader, D'Ette Nogle, Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Claude Wampler