The museum is closed due to the ongoing nearby fires and severe weather warnings. We will reopen on Tuesday, January 14.


Sunday Afternoons for Kids: News Flash: Comic Books Save the World

  • to This is a past program

Recommended for ages 10–14

Comics are an ancient and mysterious medium, combining the immediate emotion of images with the rational superpower of words. Join screenwriter and cartoonist Chris Fink on a journey to that magical world where words and pictures commingle, and learn how to master the world-shaping power of being a Writer Who Draws!

The Hammer’s free collaborative workshops, presented with 826LA, are designed for groups of up to 20 students. Reservations are encouraged. Please visit or call 310-305-8418.

Hammer Kids and Family Flicks are made possible, in part, through the generosity of supporters and friends of the Hammer Museum’s Kids’ Art Museum Project (K.A.M.P.), a family fundraiser. Additional support is provided by the Westwood Neighborhood Council.