Interrogate, Complicate, Implicate: The Work of Jimmie Durham
- This is a past program
Throughout his 45-year career, Jimmie Durham has resisted hierarchies, systems of categorization, and monumentality in a practice that embraces materiality, humor, and the play of language.
Exhibition curator Anne Ellegood provides an overview of Durham’s work, its distinct position within art history, and vital perspective on colonization, statehood, and the politics of representation. Abraham Cruzvillegas and Jeffrey Gibson—artists and friends of Durham—then join Ellegood to discuss Durham’s work and influence.
Media sponsorship is provided by Cultured magazine, KCRW 89.9 FM, and KCET.
All Hammer public programs are free and made possible by a major gift from an anonymous donor.
Generous support is also provided by Susan Bay Nimoy and Leonard Nimoy, Good Works Foundation and Laura Donnelley, an anonymous donor, The Samuel Goldwyn Foundation, and all Hammer members.
The Hammer’s digital presentation of its public programs is made possible by the Billy and Audrey L. Wilder Foundation.