Presidential Election Vote Center
The Hammer is an official Vote Center for the presidential election.
Polling Hours
- Saturday, Oct 24–Monday, Nov 2: 10 a.m.–7 p.m.
- Tuesday, Nov 3: 7 a.m.–8 p.m.
New this year: Regardless of where you live in Los Angeles, you can vote at any center. Or you can vote by mail. Learn more.
Plan your vote: Verify that you're registered to vote, learn about vote-by-mail options, or sign up to become a poll worker at Vote.org. For L.A. County residents, learn about candidates and measures on the November ballot at LAvote.net.
COVID-19: For your safety and the safety of others, please note these additional precautions:
- The Hammer will only be open to visitors for purposes of voting in the election. Museum galleries and restaurant will be closed.
- Voters should wear a face covering while in the vote center and in line.
- Visitors and staff should maintain physical distance—please stay at least six feet from people not in your group.
- If capacity for the voting center is reached, a polling line will be formed outsidoors.
- One-way routes into the building are indicated via signage and floor decals. Please follow signage and staff directions.
- Common areas and frequently touched objects are disinfected on an hourly basis during business hours using EPA-approved disinfectants.
- Elevators have a capacity of four guests.
- All stairs have one-way entry in order to control visitor flow.
- Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the building.
Free Parking: Parking at the museum is free for all visitors to the Vote Center. Enter on the east side of Westwood Boulevard, just north of Wilshire Boulevard.