Coffee with a Curator: Picasso, Thompson & Didion
THU NOV 17, 10AM
Experience Joan Didion: What She Means, Picasso Cut Papers, and Bob Thompson: This House Is Mine before the museum opens to the public. Join us for coffee and pastries, followed by curator-led walk-through of the exhibitions with chief curator Connie Butler, curator Erin Christovale, and deputy director Cynthia Burlingham.
Swing by Lulu or the recently re-opened Hammer Store after the tours for 10% off your purchases.
This event is exclusive to Hammer Immerse members ($250) and higher. Become a member today or upgrade you membership to attend this event. Email membership@hammer.ucla.edu.
RSVP required; capacity is limited. Kindly reply by Friday, November 11 to 310-443-7050 or membership@hammer.ucla.edu.