Cumbia Sin Reglas
- This is a past program
Filmmakers Joyce Garcia and Alvaro Parra screen their respective films Yo No Soy Guapo and Kumbia Net: Un Estilo Bien Diferente. The screenings are followed by a conversation with the filmmakers and artists Eamon Ore Giron and Gary "Ganas" Garay, moderated by USC professor and Vice Provost for the Arts Josh Kun about the evolution of cumbia music in Mexico, the U.S., and online. Followed by an afterparty with DJs Lengua, Ganas, Turbo Sonidero, and MC Mextape.
5:30 PM Yo No Soy Guapo, 2018, dir. Joyce Garcia, color, 81 min.
7:30 PM Kumbia Net: Un Estilo Bien Diferente, 2022, dir: Alvaro Parra, color, 25 min.
8 PM Conversation: Cumbia Transforms
9 PM Dance party with DJs Lengua, Ganas, Turbo Sonidero and MC Mextape
Ticketing: Admission is free. Your seat will be assigned to you when you pick up your ticket at the box office. Seats are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Box office opens one hour before the event.
Member Benefit: Subject to availability, Hammer Members can choose their preferred seats. Members receive priority ticketing until 15 minutes before the program. Learn more about membership.
Parking: Valet parking is available on Lindbrook Drive for $15 cash only. Self-parking is available under the museum. Rates are $8 for the first three hours with museum validation, and $3 for each additional 20 minutes, with a $22 daily maximum. There is an $8 flat rate after 6 p.m. on weekdays, and all day on weekends.
Press: If you are a member of the press and are interested in attending and covering the program, please email the Hammer’s Senior PR Manager, Santiago Pazos, at spazos@hammer.ucla.edu for accommodations.
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