My Garden of a Thousand Bees
From giant bumblebees to scissor bees the size of a mosquito, wildlife filmmaker Martin Dohrn has observed more than 60 species of bees in his tiny urban yard in Bristol, England. Sidelined by the Covid pandemic, Dohrn decided to film the incredible variety of wild bees in his garden. An expert in macro photography, Dohrn unveils a bee-filled universe inhabited by winged creatures of every size and shape. Filmed with one-of-a-kind lenses forged on his kitchen table, this film illuminates its audience with unique natural history insights, and depths of behaviors never recorded before.
2021, dir: Martin Dohrn, color 53 min.
Ticketing: Admission is free. Your seat will be assigned to you when you pick up your ticket at the box office. Seats are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Box office opens one hour before the event.
Member Benefit: Subject to availability, Hammer Members can choose their preferred seats. Members receive priority ticketing until 15 minutes before the program. Learn more about membership.
Parking: Valet parking is available on Lindbrook Drive for $15 cash only. Self-parking is available under the museum. Rates are $8 for the first three hours with museum validation, and $3 for each additional 20 minutes, with a $22 daily maximum. There is an $8 flat rate after 6 p.m. on weekdays, and all day on weekends.
Press: If you are a member of the press and are interested in attending and covering the program, please email the Hammer’s Senior PR Manager, Santiago Pazos, at spazos@hammer.ucla.edu for accommodations.
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Read the Hammer's full COVID-19 safety guidelines.